Group Plan

CareRinger is actively seeking organizations wanting to stay in communication with their elderly clients while they are at home, and serve as their trusted contact if they are not responding to their check-in call.
CareRinger offers custom group plans to these organizations and their members who sign up for the service. The organizations can negotiate special rates and arrangements for their plan participants.

Pricing Plan

Service Name Unit of Measure Unit Rate Rate Condition
Communcation/Devices n/a $0.00 Automated Check-in call service set-up (see sign-up forms for required information)
Communcation/Devices Monthly $19.95 Automated Check-in call (INDIVIDUAL STANDARD): 1-2 calls/day at times of choosing
Communcation/Devices Monthly $29.95 Automated Check-in call (INDIVIDUAL PREMIUM): 1-2 calls/day + early check-in + custom solution support
Communcation/Devices Monthly $4.95 (Optional) Choice of button products to
(1) Check-in early and/or to
(2) Activate check-in call anytime
* Wi-Fi required
Communcation/Devices Monthly $4.95 (Optional) Additional button products and voice solution, if required
Communcation/Devices n/a $0.00 (Optional) Additional check-in calls with early check-in only

Free Trial

For your clients to experience the service, just request the sign-up forms online. We will send you the forms and help you with the initial set-up. There is no fee to pay for this first-hand experience.

Join Now

If your organization has a group plan, just ask them for the price plan and let them help you with the sign-up forms. If your organization is not involved at this time, please let them know of this opportunity now.