Time to Call.
    You are just a phone call away.

    Daily Calls Offer Peace of Mind.

    CareRinger button products.

    CareRinger Button Products provide Added Reassurance

    CareRinger is the only company offering automated check-in calls and an associated button for added reassurance.

    Alone at Home?

    Easy to Check-In

    By pressing this reassurance button, you can alert your trusted contact when you may need their help, or check in without having to answer the check-in call to acknowledge your well-being.

    The reassurance button works with a wi-fi network. Additional buttons can easily be placed anywhere in a home - such as the bathroom - where people don’t usually carry their phone or personal emergency device with them.

    This button operates on battery power rated at 100,000 clicks per charge. Thus, unlike the cell phone, it seldom needs recharging.

    Peace of Mind for you and your Loved Ones.

    Peace of Mind for All

    If you are looking for a robust product to stay in touch with your loved ones, consider this button with or without the daily calls from CareRinger. Sign up for the CareRinger service now to experience peace of mind or visit us at www.careringer.com to learn more about our reassurance products.

    Contact Me

    For more information, please visit www.careringer.com.