Call Buddy Program
3 Reasons to use CareRinger™ for your call buddy program:
Participants don’t have to make calls
CareRinger makes all the buddy calls. It will notify the designated care buddy if the call is not answered, either by phone, by text message or by e-mail.
- While some seniors may like the idea of a call buddy program, they are not always able to make daily calls to check on their call buddies themselves.
- In this Call Buddy Program, CareRinger will make all the calls for them, day or night.
CareRinger calls are unobtrusive, while offering peace of mind
CareRinger calls at the time of the participant’s choosing so the participant knows it’s not an unwanted robocall. The participant can also check-in early.
- Seniors are concerned with unwanted calls, if the calls are not expected.
- When the participants choose the time of the call, they can tell a buddy call from other calls.
Easy to get started
Senior communities, big or small, will be able to take advantage of today’s technology for their call buddy program.
- Some communities may find it difficult to start a call buddy program. They would consider it if it’s easy for them to administer such a program.
- The participating seniors and their care buddies (a volunteer, friend or members of the family) can be part of such a program by simply submitting the sign-up forms or visiting to get started.

Call buddy program helps friends to care for their buddies. It also provides opportunities for volunteers who want to do their share to care for the seniors in their community. However, organizing a call buddy program has its challenges too. For one, it could be a labor-intensive undertaking. CareRinger can help you get started.