CareRinger button products

The check-in button works well with our other products, which indicate the presence of a pending check-in call. For example, the users would know it’s time to press the button to check-in early when a light is turned on. There is no need to wait to answer the check-in call later.

    There are 2 functions in this one button:

  • Use this button to respond to your automated check-in calls from CareRinger, or
  • Alert your contacts when you may need their help by simply clicking the button

The check-in button is not a PERS device (Personal Emergency Response Service), and unlike the Apple Watch© SOS, it does not automatically call for emergency when you fall. On the other hand, it does not cost hundreds of dollars either. The click of the button will still alert your loved ones for you, in addition to the daily call for reassurance.

If needed, information about the button activities is sent via E-mail to a designated contact of your choice.

Check-In Button in the bathroom

Carry the check-in button like a PERS for the peace of mind, or place one or more button anywhere in a home – such as the bathroom – where people don’t usually carry their phone or PERS with them. The button operates on battery power rated at 100,000 clicks per charge. Thus, it seldom needs re-charging.

Sign up for the CareRinger service now to experience added reassurance with the check-in button and the light products, available only from CareRinger.

CareRinger is also actively seeking organizations wanting to stay in communication with their elderly clients while they are at home, and serve as their trusted contact if they are not responding to their check-in call. Please visit our website for more information and contact us to further explore other possibilities to keep our seniors healthy and safe.

About the author: Henry is a former-telecommunications professional, now attending to the needs of elderly people. For years, he has been teaching senior-friendly technologies in his local communities. He is an inventor and Founder of CareRinger, Inc., and holds patents on methods that apply to his service.
CareRinger Inc. is an innovative company providing products and services to enable seniors living an independent lifestyle to connect with their trusted contacts so they can stay healthy and safe.

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CareRinger is a Dementia-Friendly Organization

Daily Call and Check-In Button for Added Reassurance