It’s Medicare enrollment time. You spend your money on the part D drug plan, but you may not benefit from the “care” if you forget your meds. Your loved ones may let you know if you’re off-schedule, but for many of us, a personal reminder will help us stay independent.
Amazon just came out with its Echo Flex, and together with the Third Reality motion sensor attachment, you set up one or more of these devices to remind you to take meds when you are close by. It sits quietly in the background, notifying you only when it’s time to take your medication. This unobtrusive technology is a simple, yet reliable solution to your medication adherence needs. Here are the steps to get started:
- Sign into your Amazon account to set up an Echo Flex and the motion sensor (if you do not have an Amazon account, register for one now)
- ** Look for the “Motion to Check My Meds” skill on the Amazon skill store and enable it **
- Select Routines to set up a routine for the reminder application
- For the Action, select skills and enter your “check my meds” skill to complete the set up

** To enable the “Check My Meds” skill, you must link the skill to your CareRinger account. When asked, provide the CareRinger participant phone number and one designated-contact phone number specified in the CareRinger sign-up form for the service. After you have signed up for the CareRinger service, you will receive reminder calls from the CareRinger system at the times of your choosing. If any of the calls is not answered, CareRInger will notify your trusted contact(s) to follow up. For more information about how CareRinger works, visit
When it’s time to take your meds, you will hear from your Echo Flex: “You have one reminder pending, to remove this reminder, say cancel or I got it. What can I do for you?” In response, you can say “Cancel” or “I got it” to remove the pending reminder so you will not be receiving the reminder call later.
You can also use this set-up to remind you to do your physio exercise or to take walk. If you missed the reminder from your Echo Flex because you have not been around or you are not home, you and your loved ones will still get a call and/or a text notification. Let’s be reminded to stay safe and be healthy.
CareRinger Inc. is an innovative company providing products and services for seniors living an independent lifestyle to keep them healthy and safe. About the author: Henry is a former-telecommunications professional, now attending to the needs of elderly people. For years, he has been teaching senior-friendly technologies in his local communities. He is an inventor and Founder of CareRinger, Inc., and holds patents on methods that apply to his service.
CareRinger is a Dementia-Friendly Organization