Half the people in the U.S. do not take their meds properly. This motion activated method utilizes the Blink camera or a compatible device to help people take their meds properly. According to Dr. B. Chan, my nephew: “Most of
Care Hub vs. CareRinger
Selection of reassurance products and services depends on whether they can provide peace of mind to everyone, the senior included. For the Care Hub 1 users, false inactivity is definitely a cause for concern when the senior’s activities are not
My Care Hub Experience
Introducing the Care Hub App Amazon has introduced a Care Hub 1 app that could be used in addition to CareRinger® to care for our seniors. For example, it allows you, the caregiver, to view notifications from an Echo device
Reality Check
Half the people in the U.S. do not take their meds properly1 . The motion activated “Check My Meds” method, utilizing the Amazon Echo Flex and a motion detection attachment, simply helps people take their meds properly. According to Dr.
Check My Meds Reminder
It’s Medicare enrollment time. You spend your money on the part D drug plan, but you may not benefit from the “care” if you forget your meds. Your loved ones may let you know if you’re off-schedule, but for many
The CareRinger Choice
Some of us still own a landline phone. One popular belief is that the independently-powered landlines can survive a blackout, which is important in an emergency situation. Yet, cell phones are taking the place of landline phones and offering functions
Your Medicine Man
“It’s time for medication” Your medication is important to you. Use CareRinger™ to set daily reminders so you and your loved ones can be more mindful of your medication routines. Now with CareRinger Companion (medicine man), you and your Amazon